Hello! We have a relatively short dev blog this week. This time we talk about progress on our map Panjura, our Alioramus teaser video, new Path of Titans artwork, and the new ability to upgrade your purchase from our store!

Purchase Upgrades

We have just added the ability for backers to upgrade their purchase at the click of a button. By upgrading your purchase to a higher tier, you will be able to simply pay the difference instead of having to refund your purchase in order to get a higher tier. View your order on our store and click the upgrade button to access pre-release and get a backer skin today!

Check out your orders here: https://alderon.games/orders

Store Page: https://alderongames.com/store/path-of-titans

New Artwork

We have some stunning new Path of Titans artwork to show off! This is an epic scene depicting a battle between a Kentrosaurus and Ceratosaurus- clearly predators really have to watch out for these spikey herbivores! This artwork was created by the amazing Raul Ramos. You can check out more of his work at his Artstation account here: https://www.artstation.com/raulramosart

Alioramus Teaser Video

We’ve just uploaded our Alioramus teaser trailer! Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

Panjura Map Progress

We have only 6 tiles of the map remaining, making for a total of 58 tiles completed so far! It is very exciting for us to be so close to completion of this initial pass of the map. Here are a few screenshots of the work that was recently completed.

We stream our work on the map nearly every day over on our Youtube channel, so be sure to drop by and watch it being created in real-time! https://www.youtube.com/c/pathoftitans Thank you so much for reading!

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