Introducing the Kentrosaurus TLC!

This new update to Kentrosaurus includes improvements to its physical model, animations, and its abilities. This includes a change in its proportions to give it a more modern, accurate appearance, updated stats, and a few changes to some in-game skins to make them brighter and more vibrant.

Kentrosaurus's New Abilities

And for the ability updates; Kentrosaurus now has even more tools for the hit n’ run bleeder playstyle. Here is a quick rundown of these new and improved abilities!


Kentrosaurus can now directionally aim its tail to inflict devastating bleed damage to its enemies. Use either quick Tail Attacks or for maximum bleed use a charged up Tail Swing attack.


Kentrosaurus is also receiving a version of the detonate ability similar to Miragaia, with Kentrosaurus’ Detonate specialising in Bleed damage exclusively! Detonate will convert all accumulated Bleed levels into raw health damage, which will scale with the amount of Bleed inflicted. Though be aware, as with Miragaia, once Detonate is used it will consume and clear all bleed effects from the opponent, so extra tail attacks must be used again to stack up more bleed.


Kentrosaurus will now have better synergy with its Stegosaur teammates such as Miragaia and Stegosaurus. Its Spiked Gathering ability increases the passive reflect damage of all Stegosaurs in its player’s group while also granting immunity to reflect damage from other group members.


Juke is a mobility-based ability, allowing Kentrosaurus to turn around quickly to face an oncoming enemy, or to make a quick escape. Juke does cost stamina to use, so it should be used only when in tight situations, or to line up the perfect tail attack!


Much like its relative, the Miragaia, Kentrosaurus is now equipped with a Spit ability! The Spit ability sprays a cone of saliva onto your enemies to weaken their attack damage for a short period of time.


The Sense ability slot has been expanded with new abilities to tie into Kentrosaurus’ playstyle, including Spiked Gathering for group-based play, and the Bloodlust and Fresh Blood abilities to suit Kentrosaurus’ specialisation in inflicting Bleed damage.


The Hide ability slot has been completely overhauled with new abilities to help aid Kentrosaurus’ survivability in combat. These new abilities are Dense Plates and Resilient Spikes, both helping improve Kentrosaurus’ health or status effect recovery. Of course, Kentrosaurus still has its passive Spikes damage that inflicts bleed on any of its attackers as well.


The Legs ability slot has also received some new additions, including Counter Turn and Braced Legs! The Leg slot is dedicated to helping Kentrosaurus’ mobility, with new abilities for improved movement and turning for either combat or travel.

Even More Abilities

While these new abilities help flesh out Kentrosaurus as a creature, there's one additional ability that this dinosaur will receive in the near future that will put its tail spikes to good use! We will keep you updated on the progress of this brand new mechanic as it nears completion.

With all these new abilities, Kentrosaurus is able to inflict deadly bleed on anything that attacks it. Update your game and try out the Kentrosaurus TLC today! We'll see you on the beaches of Gondwa.

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