Miragaia Released!

Miragaia is out now!

Hello everyone! We have just released our third stegosaur, the Miragaia! This heavily spiked herbivore brings new abilities and status effects to the game.

Miragaia has multiple playstyles available that allows it to adapt their attacks when in combat. With a choice of multiple tail abilities, and status effects that affect them, Miragaia has many choices on how to take on potential foes. Miragaia can also build up its defences with mud armor to outlast its opponents. Combined with vicious debuffing attacks and an electrifying passive defence, Miragaia will be prepared for anything.

Miragaia's New Abilities

Miragaia is the first herbivore in Path of Titans to have venom-based abilities, but we wanted to ensure its playstyles were unique and more in-depth than basic venom attacks. Miragaia boasts an entire selection of possible effects to inflict on others, from venom to toxin and even paralysis, alongside new attacks to make the most out of each status effect it can use.


The new Spit debuff ability sprays a cone of saliva onto its opponents and weakens their attack damage for a small period of time.


Lash is a tail ability that spins Miragaia around to deliver a strong attack that also knocks enemies back. Lash will also act as a quick turn, allowing Miragaia to get away after landing the attack.


Toxic Barbs is a new Hide ability that affects all tail-based attacks, inflicting the new status effect ‘Toxin’ when hit with Miragaia’s tail. When inflicted with Toxin a skull overlay appears on the player’s health bar, gradually rising when struck by additional Toxin attacks. If the player's health drops below this Toxin level, their character will die.


Venomous Spines is another Hide ability that also affects all tail-based attacks, but inflicts Venom damage instead of Toxin. Venom dramatically reduces the stamina regeneration of affected enemies.


Detonate is a Tail attack that converts all accumulated Venom or Toxin levels on the opponent into raw health damage. The amount of damage dealt will scale with the level of Venom or Toxin inflicted, and once Detonate is used it will consume and clear all inflicted status effects from the opponent.


Muddy Scales is a Hide ability that allows Miragaia to roll in dirt and coat itself in a layer of mud. Each layer will increase its armour, but it cannot be applied while in combat and will wash off in rain or water. Muddy Scales also increases the effectiveness of Miragaia’s Paralysis ability.


All Miragaia have the passive ability Paralysis, which inflicts a new status effect on players. Paralysis reduces movement speed and lengthens ability cooldowns, and if inflicted with full Paralysis, players will become briefly paralysed and unable to move or attack. Once an enemy has recovered from full Paralysis they will be immune to the status effect for a short period of time.


Spiked Gathering is a new Sense ability that increases the passive reflect damage of all Stegosaurs in the player’s group, and also grants immunity to reflect damage from group members.

We are excited to bring more tactics and variety to herbivore combat, and wanted to ensure that Miragaia can not only put its huge thagomizers to use in damage dealing, but also stand out from its relatives Kentrosaurus and Stegosaurus with a speciality in debuffing enemies before striking them down.

Additional Updates

While Miragaia is the star of this update, we also have a few other major changes that we wanted to let you know about!

Auto-Run Camera Changes

Following community feedback, we have made some changes to auto-run that now lets you steer your character with the camera to make travelling with auto-run a bit smoother. This can be toggled on or off with the “Auto Run Camera Lock” checkbox in the Gameplay settings menu.

Savanna Grasslands Water Source

After hearing a lot of community feedback on this location, we have added a new water source to help players travelling through or questing in this area!

As usual, this update comes with a lot of bug fixes, quality of life improvements and balance changes for the dinosaurs in-game! You can check out the rest of this changelog for this update in-game.

We hope that you enjoy the Miragaia, and we look forward to seeing herds of these graceful giants roaming the grasslands of Gondwa! Make sure you restart your game to gain access to this new dinosaur, and have fun!

Additionally, the Reptilian skin pack is now on sale for a limited time, so be sure to check it out in the Upgrades menu in-game if you are interested! Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you on Gondwa.

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